The Reverend Edward Rix, Priest-in-charge: I’m a farm boy from Prince Edward Island in eastern Canada. The youngest of eleven children, I was raised in a Christian family and nurtured in the Anglican tradition in a Parish where the 1959 Book of Common Prayer and Authorized Version of the Bible were the norm. Having discerned a vocation to ordained ministry at the age of six, active participation in the life of the Church was encouraged by my pastors and parents through Sunday School and Youth Group, Scouting, acolytes and later Lay Reading. I attended the University of King's College in Nova Scotia where a strong Christian community was formed around the worship life of the College Chapel. The Daily Offices and Holy Communion bolstered an intellectual formation in the history of philosophy at the hands of the some of the finest minds in Anglican Christianity. Seminary followed at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto and Pastoral training at the Institute of Pastoral Care in Nova Scotia. After Seminary I pursued graduate studies in Classics at Dalhousie University and worked as a Dean of Residence at King's College and was a student chaplain at eastern Canada’s largest children’s hospital. As a seminarian I worked in parishes in inner-city Boston and Toronto, rural New Brunswick, the Naskapi Cree nation of northern Quebec and Labrador and in Guyana. I also ran a Church Camp and spent some time working in Children's Theatre and as a clown and magician. In 1996 I was called by the Bishop of Lusaka, Zambia, to serve as chaplain of a remote mission school in that diocese and having been made Deacon, immigrated to Central Africa. While in Zambia I also worked in parish ministry in a combination of rural, shanty-town and urban parishes. With my bishop's blessing, I accepted a call from the Rector of All Saints' in 1998 to be Youth Director of the parish, but have maintained my canonical residency in Lusaka Diocese. In 2001 I was asked by the parish to be the Interim Rector. Since 2013 I have been Priest-in-Charge.
I married Sierra Katz in January 2001. In 2015 we anticipate the birth of our sixth child. Being a parent has given me new appreciation for my Heavenly Father's patience with me and has impressed upon me the great need to form our households as the building blocks of the Church. As the great Anglican Divine Jeremy Taylor says "[Marriage] is the seminary of the church, and daily brings forth sons and daughters unto God…Marriage is the mother of the world, and preserves kingdoms, and fills cities, and churches, and heaven itself!" I believe strongly in the Triune God who redeems a fallen mankind that is powerless to save itself from sin. I am committed to preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God in communion with the saints of the Church who have gone before us and administering the sacraments as sure means of grace. I believe the role of a priest is "to please God and to save men" (in the words of Richard Hooker, another great Anglican teacher).
Outside the parish I serve on the Boards of the Prayer Book Society of America, Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen and the Anglican Foundation of Philadelphia. I am a chaplain of the Sons of St. George of Philadelphia and an active member of the Philobiblon Club of Philadelphia and the Delaware Bibliophiles. I am avid book collector and amateur book scout. I enjoy gardening, cooking, cycling and scuba diving. I recently joined a local Fire Company with a view to serving as a rescue diver.